Category: Non classé

The Unit Cynotechnic of the Red Cross in action

Impressions from a training with rescue dogs in our tunnel: a volunteer team of Unit Cynotechnic of the Red Cross with the support of some employees and guides from our museum was in action.

MNM technical service is preparing the new saison 2023

The preparations for the new season have begun: here you can see two employees of the technical service, Liam and Dany, at work.

Safety course for the new Saison

An instructive safety course was held on Saturday, March 11, 2023 for volunteers, guides, train drivers and for the MNM staff. Instructors were the head of the technical service, Raymond Hoffmann, and the responsible for safety, Gilles Krier

New Year’s reception with good mood

Good mood at the New Year’s reception of the MNM, to which the Board of Directors had invited the staff, the guides and volunteers of the museum, and representatives of the CIGL and the municipal services, which always help.

“Minièresbunn Doihl” visited the MNM

Recently a delegation of the  “Minièresbunn Doihl” from the Fond-de-Gras visited the MNM for an exchange of experiences. We were happy about it and soon a delegation of us will go to them for a meeting.

St. Barbara in refreshed robe

The Feast of Saint Barbara will be celebrated in the Iron Ore Region next Sunday, 4 December. Just in time for this day, her statue, exhibited in our mine Walert, has returned from the restoration. The restorer Laura Di Mola has again prepared the statue so that it will please our visitors and will also be preserved for the future.

“European Route of Industrial Heritage”(ERIH) on visit

Dans le cadre de la "Route européenne du patrimoine industriel" (ERIH), notre musée minier est le « Anchorpoint » du Luxembourg.  Récemment, un groupe d’environ 50 visiteurs de toute l’Europe était présent pour un « Welcome and Get Together » dans notre mine. L’équipe de « l’Office Régional de Tourisme SUD » a organisé et dirigé l’événement avec le renfort de nos équipes de bénévoles et de collaborateurs.

Locomotive from the years 1915-25

In a side gallery of the main tunnel Walert you can see a red electric locomotive from the years 1912-1925. It was built by the German company AEG. With two electric motors it has a weight of 18 tons and 61 HP. The locomotive was used in French ARBED tunnels such as the Montrouge tunnel and is part of our collection in 1998.

Three components of a visit to the MNM

A visit to the MNM consists of: an exhibition at the reception + 3.8 km mine train + a guided tour 80m underground. From Tuesday to Sunday the starting times are: 14:30, 15:30 and 16:30

Project of 360° movie

Recently a group of the project Fanthomes was in our tunnel. Some shots were made for a 360° movie for about myths, legends and folklore from the region of Rumelange. Children and people from the surrounding area made among other things the costumes.